Drawing 1. Part 4. Project 1. Exercise 1. Drawing fabric using line and tone.

I made an initial outline in pencil, trying not to get too involved with getting the foreshortening correct on the chair. I used a black bed sheet, I discover over these following exercises that black is not always the best option to draw when trying to depict shadow and find contrasting tones.


Subject placed in my lounge.IMGP9084

In my notes I state that I’m completely lost within the lines, probably due to drinking strong coffee and becoming inpatient.IMGP9082

The next part, using tone. I remember this day clearly as I had a breakthrough in using charcoal in terms of technique and confidence. Previously with charcoal, I felt unable to control my line, using it on its side for shading and creating straight lines. IMGP9081

Today, I find that using it as I would a pencil, the end becomes smooth, and I work hard into the paper, I feel as if i’m working around the image three dimentionally, as if sculpting the image onto the paper. Where needed I clean up the paper and take out some tones with a putty rubber.


Extra work.FullSizeRender

I’m at work, It’s the end of the school term and I have a packet of Crayola on my desk. Sheet of A4 paper from the copy machine, and voila, my cardigan has been eturnalised.

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